Most shipwrecks involved ships over 20 years in age.
It involved multiple ships each a bit farther out from Vhiliinyar.
The crash occurred as one plane was arriving to relieve the other in an exercise involving other planes and ships.
However, those cases both involved ships that flew the flag of the flag state and were thus easily distinguishable.
They lived happy, safe lives that usually didn't involve armed ships going into plasma storms and disappearing.
The search for them involved ships and planes and continued for many days, but no trace of the missing boats was found.
Much of the deployment involves ships and transport planes, forces that will play a supporting, but not a direct combat role.
It does not involve ships that are sailing.
That would involve 3,800 marines and several ships, but would certainly give American forces on the ground greater strength.
I should point out that space salvage involves derelicts and abandoned ships, not those still crewed.