In his left hand he holds an acorn and in his right a thorn, both items drawn from the tradition of fairy iconography.
For example, the Excite search and portal service, has introduced a holiday gift shop with 300 items drawn from about 20 on-line merchants.
The interiors include the original furnishings, as well as items drawn from the collections of the Upper Sava Museum.
This year's act of reparation will run to some 400 items, drawn from fine arts, the decorative arts, architecture and photography.
The final chapter contains a "short form" (BMMRS) with 36 items mostly drawn from the longer measures that appear in the previous 12 chapters (see table).
In the interactive parts, backgrounds are mostly black-and-white photographs; static items drawn in color will make things happen when you click on them.
The main section is made up of three rotating panels in which we'll highlight a wide range of items drawn from right across the BBC.
Many Sami handicrafts are useful items drawn from the households of the reindeer-herding culture, like knife handles or storage vessels.
In the fall, Voyager will release the revised movie along with commentary by the director and a raft of other items drawn from scripts, storyboards and production notes.
Seawright's animation appeared in many of the Roach studio's shorts such as animating eyes, balloon captions, and other items drawn on the film.