Special Brigade is a joint tactical unit encompassing reconnaissance, antiterrorist, parachute and diving components.
Today's agreement also calls for joint units to patrol the city after the fighting forces leave.
The United States Navy controlled many joint units of the Army and the Marine Corps.
CAST had only operated as a joint unit once in the 1970s, and this exercise took place on Canadian soil.
Recently, the two countries announced plans for a joint military unit.
This joint Russo-American geographic and cultural unit possesses unique natural resources and is the home of Native peoples with much in common.
These was also an attempt to devise joint one-term units, e.g. where a philosopher and a sociologist would run the course between them.
Agreements about joint security measures calling for joint mobile units would be operating in this area, armed with equivalent types of light weapons.
A joint unit was created to bring these assets together.
These are both joint units, consisting of personnel from both regiments.