But he kept his performance in perspective, saying the Bulls won and that was good enough for him.
I'm sure there were times when it was hard to keep your performance free of scorn and incredulity.
His mind kept returning to the Bunraku performance; to, more accurately, Yukio's performance.
In the close surroundings, Miss Rae keeps her performance within the framework of intimacy.
Since humor this mean can pall quickly, he keeps his performance short; the show lasts barely an hour.
When Stanton's performance was popular in test screenings, Stanton decided to keep his performance in the film.
Gryphus Garstang decided to keep Rex's performance in.
And it keeps her performance within the bounds of what may be done with good taste in public.
But that misses Professor Kennedy's point, which is that we are not keeping our economic performance up to our commitments abroad.
"Growth in net interest income, coupled with effective management of expenses, helped keep the corporation's financial performance on track."