The immigration people were having fits trying to keep foreign vampires from immigrating in, well, flocks.
Studies have shown that demanding photo ID is a highly effective method of keeping vampires off airplanes.
True, garlic is said to keep vampires away, and some say it will keep lovers away.
If they were going to be keeping vampires over a period of days, someone had to monitor the captives.
"Don't you need to put crosses on the coffins to keep vampires from using their powers?"
I spend every waking - and most of my sleeping - moments keeping vampires from being discovered by mortals.
In stories, garlic is often used for keeping vampires away.
I like the idea of a shield that keeps vampires at bay.
You invented synthetic blood to keep vampires from feeding off people, right?
Garlic, holy water and crosses are all useful for keeping vampires away.