He ended up with far more food than the kitchen could use in its operations.
The enormous kitchen and bathrooms could use an update.
To its credit, the kitchen uses fresh coriander and lots of it.
The kitchen uses 12 kinds of greens, but they aren't any more flavorful than the less exotic ones in the standard house salad.
I love the cow bell the kitchen uses to signal the staff that food is ready to be served.
I do remember where our old kitchen used to be.
In European medieval cities around the 10th to 12th centuries, the kitchen still used an open fire hearth in the middle of the room.
He had a kitchen, yes, but to the old lady's knowledge never used it; or if he did, then he cleared up after himself.
"By rounding the edges of the furniture, you make the kitchen friendlier to use."
The kitchen, for one, could use an overhaul, and you've always meant to add an extra bedroom.