My lacerated feet betrayed me.
Then she sat down on the carpet and crossed her legs and gazed at her lacerated feet and wept.
In those glimpses, Covenant's numb, lacerated feet seemed to miss the stone, and he fell headlong at Foamfollower's back.
Suddenly pain exploded across her already lacerated feet.
She'd run the boots to uppers without knowing it, and her lacerated feet were bloody from toe to heel.
There were lines of tension about his mouth, but his hand was gentle as he cradled her lacerated foot.
He rose stiffly and stood upright on his swollen, lacerated feet, swaying drunkenly, the icy sweat dripping from his face and body.
Occasional spots of blood from lacerated feet were soaking into the spongy loam.
He sat down in the doorway and inspected his lacerated feet.
While the Tracys concentrate on raptors, they have taken in some tough cases, including orphaned baby bluebirds, loons with lacerated feet and a pileated woodpecker with a broken wing.