Indeed, off-roading is now among the most politically volatile land-use issues in the country.
Even if the land-use issue can be resolved, however, it is less clear what power the borough presidents will have on the budget.
The 13-member commission has broad authority over capital planning, zoning and other contentious land-use issues.
In one contested Arizona district, the candidates clashed over local land-use issues.
It would have authority over all land-use issues except those that might require legislation.
By incorporating, residents will have more of a voice on land-use issues, and greater ability to control development.
It meets monthly to vote on land-use issues, and the meetings are often routine.
He has been called as an expert witness in many land-use issues, including reservations, casinos, and fishing rights.
People are always suing each other because of land-use issues.
Charter revision is giving much more authority to the Council, particularly on budget and land-use issues.