In fact, as Basil Grant, the hero of the book deduces, Chadd has invented a new language expressed through dance.
Gaelic is a complicated language phonetically, expressed in writing by an alphabet of only 18 letters used in a most ingenious way.
Its theoretical and methodological choice puts terminology on the perspective of specialized language, expressed in technical and scientific texts.
In its simplest form an object API is a prescription of how objects work in that language, usually expressed as set of class methods.
It was during this time that she became passionate about writing for children - convinced that language, expressed through wonderful literature, is the key that stimulates learning and imagination.
The strong emotive language expressed by David towards Jonathan is also argued to be akin to that of platonic expressions in more expressive or pre-urban cultures.
The languages expressed on the map are both Greek and Messapian.
In the remainder of this chapter I will report some of the attitudes and beliefs about language expressed by some of my young informants.
Corpus linguistics is the study of language as expressed in samples (corpora) of "real world" text.
LOLCODE is an esoteric programming language inspired by the language expressed in examples of the lolcat Internet meme.