A loud bang, like a large firecracker, went off.
M-80s are a class of large firecrackers, sometimes called salutes.
One police officer was reported seriously injured when a large firecracker thrown by protesters exploded in his face.
Starting 10 May 1964 he set up small bombs (actually large firecrackers) in different places across Madrid city center.
At one time a large firecracker was thrown in my direction and the crowd surged, pushing us.
Commission officials acknowledged that larger illegal firecrackers, like cherry bombs, M-80's and M-100's, can still be obtained.
As the officers were making an arrest about 6 P.M., someone hurled a large firecracker, which exploded.
A quarter stick is a large firecracker that falls within a certain range of dimensions.
The term quarter stick is based on attempts to compare the performance of large firecrackers to Dynamite.
Close behind them are the fallers, throwing large firecrackers in the street as they go.