Today, the vending company owner, Michael L. Curtis, once the organization's largest fund-raiser, is its biggest charity case.
In the final days, he will be focusing on large fund-raisers and rallies intended to get out the vote.
(He will hold a large fund-raiser for his 51st birthday later this month.)
The United Way is one of the nation's largest and more efficient fund-raisers.
White House officials say that there was no dollar figure tied to the overnight stays and that not all large fund-raisers were invited.
And they have been among the largest political fund-raisers and donors.
The group's largest fund-raiser was last month's Sandy Hook Music Festival.
Stanford, which is also typically among the two or three largest fund-raisers, saw its contributions climb 8 percent last year, to $524 million.
The Makeover Ball, like the first Hulaween, may not be the largest fund-raiser, but it is one of the quirkiest.
The caption identified them as co-chairmen of one of the city's largest fund-raisers.