In recent months, the developers have also come up with a tentative alternative plan for a larger, more ambitious overhaul of the surrounding neighborhood.
The plan represents the largest overhaul of the city's government since its formation in 1898.
The wardrobe change was part of a larger corporate overhaul for the store in an effort to increase sales and rejuvenate its stock price.
We will deliver the largest overhaul of quangos in a generation.
When Vista was released, the theme underwent a large overhaul of appearance.
A large overhaul of the heating and electrics was planned too.
The museum was asking too much for the Friends to pay, especially while in the middle of a large overhaul.
But with two humbling years at the box office, the company is planning something bigger: a larger overhaul of its movie studio.
It produced the largest overhaul of Medicare in the public health program's 38-year history.
The chancellor promised the largest overhaul in the welfare state "since Beveridge".