Arcus AS is Norway's largest wholesaler of wine and liquor.
Radar may not be a big business, but Curtis Circulation, one of the largest wholesalers in the magazine industry, has agreed to distribute it.
Although it has made its transition into a primarily retail brand, the company is still one of the largest wholesalers in the country.
Of course, if we don't have what someone wants, we can get it because we deal with the largest wholesalers.
Normally, hospitals purchase most of their drugs from large national wholesalers like Cardinal Health.
By the late 1970's, however, some large wholesalers began to migrate for good to the suburbs.
Pacificorp has many low-cost coal-fired plants and is one of the nation's largest wholesalers of electricity.
In the 1940s and 1950s, Butler Brothers was one of the largest wholesalers in the country.
By promoting the company's aggressive investment strategy, he helped make Enron the largest wholesaler of gas and electricity, with $27 billion traded in a quarter.
Some drugs make a full circle, returning to the large wholesaler who first received the drug, experts say.