Scudder (2-2) got a last-minute call when Danny Jackson couldn't get his shoulder loose in the bullpen before the game.
Those exiting did so with the alacrity of escaping prisoners, fearing last-minute calls back to the wards.
With every storm we got so many last-minute calls for three- or four-day cruises that we couldn't even get through to suppliers.
This eliminated the need for panicky last-minute calls to fill material shortages.
A couple are getting in last-minute calls to headquarters in Houston before leaving Kuwaiti cellphone coverage.
But many teachers and parents learned of the closing only through last-minute calls to a city hot line and local news reports broadcast late Sunday evening.
His place was taken by Terry Leach, who has made a career as a standby who gets the last-minute call.
(A last-minute call from the State Department saved his life.)
I just got a last-minute call from the Agency saying you people wanted some advice in my field and you were paying real money.
"We are going to check again today, and that will be a last-minute call."