Parker's Bay, latitude 62.48 north by 64.55 west was named after him.
It is located at latitude 45.92168 north and longitude 84.72227 west.
It is located at latitude 36 north and longitude 25 west.
The crater is at latitude 17.7 north and longitude 30.8 west.
The state lies between longitudes 31.5 -34 east and latitude 15-16 north in an area About 28.165 square kilometers.
Rattlesnake is located at latitude 27.889 north and longitude 82.524 west.
Beasley is located at latitude 27.969 north and longitude 82.399 west.
Bon Air is located at latitude 27.942 north and longitude 82.505 west.
Robles Park is located at latitude 27.974 north and longitude 82.453 west.
Bowman Heights is located at latitude 27.968 north and longitude 82.479 west.