On 11 August, the Georgian Air Force continued launching air attacks on Russian forces.
Furious, he refused to surrender and launched an immediate attack on German forces at Orleans which, predictably, failed.
His brigade consisted of 1st, 3rd and 8th East Bengali regiments, enabling Zia to launch major attacks on Pakistani forces.
On 2 May, British aircraft from Habbaniya launched a pre-emptive attack on Iraqi forces throughout the country.
Officials say Mr. Hussein has launched no militarily meaningful air, ground or naval attacks on allied forces in Saudi Arabia.
June 30, 2005 - Hezbollah guerillas launched an attack on Israeli forces in Shebaa farms, wounding six soldiers.
Ungern reinforced his military station at Dauria, creating a kind of fortress from where his troops launched attacks on Red forces.
AVM Smart also launched air attacks on Iraqi forces throughout the country.
He'd never expected the Russians to launch such a blatant attack on American forces.
Al shabaab have launched an ambush attack on Somali forces in Gedo region.