His major works have led experts to assume that he was a pagan.
His rifle, coins, and position on the battlefield led experts to believe he was Hanoverian.
Commissioner Safir said the crude nature of the device had led experts to doubt that any organized terrorist groups were responsible.
Giáp indicated that a 1980s study led experts to advise against mining due to severe ecological damage.
Elevated temperatures in Tokyo have led experts to call the city a vast "heat island."
These achievements have led many commentators, experts and former players to consider the current Spanish side the best ever in world football.
The plate passed the physical tests with flying colors, while leading literary experts and historians hailed it as the real relic.
This led experts to expect another quake that would make up for this "deficiency."
She is also a cookbook author and is generally considered one of the country's leading culinary experts.
The news about tamoxifen and raloxifene has led experts to debate when and whom to treat with each drug.