Abdul Bashir and his fellow activists left Peshawar only after they had succeeded in winning the land rights for the people of Khanpur.
On 12 August 1870 Hyder Shah and several assistants left Peshawar.
Shortly after his birth, India was partitioned and the family left Peshawar and reached Mumbai (then Bombay).
He leaves by sea on February 25 for Karachi, landing on the 27th, and leaves Peshawar on his return home on March 7.
Today, however, Mr. Zaidan said that all the followers of Sheik Abdel-Rahman had left Peshawar.
Before leaving Peshawar you must go to the Khyber Political Agent (Stadium Rd) to collect your gunman.
Travelling straight through, if you leave Peshawar at 8am, you should arrive in Kabul by around 4pm.
Only sixty-two camel loads leave Peshawar in the year compared with 2,285 during the previous year.
It occurred to me that somewhere between the time we had left Peshawar for Afghanistan and now, we had become friends.