The speed with which they are raised leaves them little opportunity to develop any flavor - the process simply takes time.
Researchers rely on index investors to leave enough opportunity for them to make money based on their research.
At 14, he left school to slog away at the docks, leaving little opportunity for any formal training in the arts.
Nearly the entire city is developed, leaving very little opportunity for open space.
Beverly Crusher had managed to keep to herself up until now, leaving little opportunity for her to run into the Stargazer people.
The Treaty of Paris of 1783 ended the war but left little opportunity for loyalists to return to their former homes.
Having retired a few months earlier from a law practice that left little opportunity for vacations, I wanted to make up for lost time.
Anecdotal stories leave far too much opportunity for speculation or mis-application.
This may make for efficient negotiations, but leaves little opportunity for public oversight of the most vital institution in the global trading system.
Decisions in Beijing are apparently being made at small meetings between and within factions, leaving little opportunity for electronic message interception, the officials said.