They prefer their own solutions, which would leave them with control over the assets of the factories and greater personal gains.
A stroke he suffered in 1995 has left him with limited control of the muscles on the right side of his body.
It will leave individuals with even less control over their own fates.
As a result, Rhodes was left with control of a significant part of eastern Crete after the war.
It leaves a loose Bosnian central Government with control over foreign policy and little else.
But the resulting compromise, privacy and consumer advocates said, has left customers with little control over how their sensitive personal information is used.
You called at nine to leave two names with control.
This would help, but is likely to leave individual agencies with too much control over what information is made public.
With his mother in the hospital, he was left with control of her finances.
The stock market crash of 1929 wiped Nast out and left him with marginal control over his beloved magazines.