Part of the way by not getting all of your dope through legitimate channels.
Karl Bellermann was a man who'd rather buy a stolen book for a thousand dollars than pay half that through legitimate channels.
The promotion looked like it came through legitimate channels and it's not uncommon for bridal shows to sell preregistration tickets at a discount.
And if it continues, it will eliminate e-mail as a legitimate channel of commerce.
"It demonstrates that any time you approve a real estate project without legitimate channels of public input you are looking for trouble."
This says basically, you know, there will be a legitimate channel for putting third-party apps on the phone.
The process involves concealing proceeds of criminal activity through apparently legitimate channels.
By contrast, secure operating systems can easily prevent misuse of legitimate channels.
Without being informed of this, some are misled to believe an analysis will "manage the risk" of these legitimate channels.
Under the new system, some brokers argued, consumers would benefit by making available more tickets to sold-out events through legitimate channels, thereby pushing prices lower.