It is usually seen as the most economically liberal publication that the Liberal Democrats have produced in recent times.
A Call to Americans," was first published on March 22 in four prominent liberal publications.
Taylor's confrontation has since been praised in independent liberal publications, and noted for its surprising rarity given the prevalence of such opinions among Americans.
Both liberal and conservative publications have been hit.
Punch was a humorous and liberal publication.
So far 1999 has been a chilly political period, marked by sensitive anniversaries, dissident arrests and the closing of several liberal publications.
There are some liberal publications in Egypt that tackle these issues quite extensively as well.
However, there is a reformist side that has appeared, particularly over the last year, which occasionally manages to get articles in the more liberal publications.
The authorities have shut down a popular intellectual magazine here for "reorganization," the latest move in an uneven tightening of controls over liberal publications.
Dionne is a columnist for Commonweal, a liberal Catholic publication.