"Found a convicted child-molester who lied about his record on his application," Tippen said.
There followed a vision of a university dean standing before Fox News cameras, turning away a white student who lied on her application.
In it, Bailey made several accusations against Wooten, including that he lied on his application to become a trooper.
The reason: she has a criminal record, which she lied about on her application, an official said.
The district police chief also stated that Alexander had lied on his application for his government job, claiming to be Muslim.
You went on probation because you lied on your application.
I was sure he'd fire me once he found out I lied on my application and was really his ex-partner's son.
Two months later, police officials confronted him with the accusation of lying on his application.
"He didn't lie on his application," Judge Paine said.
He dived in by accusing the defendant of being a perjurer, for having "lied on his application" to the Marines.