In December 1993, together with other like-minded members of this council, he founded the political association For Innsbruck.
Unlike Congressional committees, which act on legislation, the caucuses bring together like-minded members to highlight issues like human rights abuses, the environment and minority concerns.
Together with the like-minded members of the Menshevik party, they became known as "oborontsy" (defensists).
Branches are distributed across Canada, or wherever like-minded members gather to promote military engineers and engineering.
I am leaving-and call upon all like-minded members to join me.
By 1807 the abolitionist groups had a very sizable faction of like-minded members in the British Parliament.
But with their Internet site,, they have been able to reach 600 like-minded members across the country, many of whom participated in marches last week.
You can define the focus of the club and seek to attract like-minded members.
Wilbur continued in the Friends movement with the support of many like-minded members.
The reason is that you cannot form a group here unless you have at least 20 more or less like-minded members.