Many rich families lose their assets in the next generation simply because there was no one trained to be a good steward over their assets.
In this case, he says, people have lost all their assets and can't access grazing grounds they need.
New legislation brought in before the election required a party to run 50 candidate or suffer de-registration and lose its assets.
People can't protect themselves against the risk of very high care costs and risk losing all their assets, including their house.
"We can either let the oil companies do business or lose their assets," one Administration official said.
People are wondering how they're going to pay their bills; they're afraid of losing their assets.
Italian Jews lost their basic civil rights, their positions in public offices, and their assets.
As a result many lost their assets and some the only provision that they had made for their retirement.
Are they afraid to lose their assets?
The Shlaim family lost all their assets.