Meanwhile farm groups say that the drought will cost tens of thousands of jobs, and economic losses ranging from $580 million to $4 billion.
The losses would range from $33,000 for a $200,000-a-year-rookie to more than $3 million for Alex Rodriguez, baseball's highest paid player.
Market participants said losses in the secondary corporate bond market ranged from three-quarters of a point to 1 5/8 points.
Wholesale dealers in the market said their individual losses in potential sales yesterday ranged from $20,000 to $100,000.
Experts estimate that worldwide losses range from $2 billion to $6 billion a year.
For the final five months of 1997, the losses ranged from 23 percent at the Montgomery fund to 38.4 percent at the Fidelity fund.
Damages estimated were between $53.28 billion and $74.7 billion, with losses in the United States ranging from $50 billion to $71.4 billion.
The losses ranged from the break-up of an intimate relationship, a lost job and death of a parent to learning that they themselves had a serious illness.
Annual losses ranged from 37.4 percent in Peru's fund to 3.8 percent in Kenya's.
This nematode can cause losses up to 80%, however, the losses typically range from 10-15% on coconut palms and oil palms.