"The majority of New Yorkers don't respect the City Council," he said.
Traditionally, the Senate majority has been sympathetic to landlords, but the majority grudgingly respected the wishes of the city delegation on that issue.
He also declared that "just as the majority must respect the rights of minorities, minorities must also respect the rights of the majority", echoing the Church's line that the CNCD decision went against Romania's Orthodox majority, which forms approximately 87% of the population according to the 2002 census.
I am sure the majority of the Brtish people will respect the sovereignty of Somalia.
"If the majority does not respect the minority," he said, "we will end up not in Europe but in certain parts of Latin America."
In Singapore, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld defended on Friday the training of American troops and insisted that the overwhelming majority respected the rights of Iraqi civilians.
Core beliefs of classical liberals included also their belief against direct democracy where law is made by majority vote by citizens because "there is nothing in the bare idea of majority rule to show that majorities will always respect the rights of property or maintain rule of law."
The challenge of any government is to see that the majority respects the rights of the minority in their culture.