Only two texts make sweeping pronouncements about the role of voluntas in trusts.
It made one wonder about the role of the United States.
The rules say that "those who have power and authority, predominantly male, may make unfair assumptions about the proper role of lower-ranking staff."
We can now appreciate why care has to be taken in making statements about the role of the child's first relationship and its influence on later personality development.
But the expanded options seem to make many users happier about the role of television in their lives.
Was the countess making fun of herself, or was she making a dead serious point about the role of women?
Further to today's topic, I should like to make a few more general remarks about the role of the European Union.
A lot of other, very important points were made - and may I say that they were all right - about the role of Community financing.
The court's decision for the health plan made blunt comments about the role of H.M.O.'s in rationing care.
I do think there is an important point to make about the role of theory that has been missed though.