She also made headlines with statements about students' work ethic and their access to jobs.
"But we've got to think through and do better at helping people make the transition to new jobs."
The offers hold out a variety of subsidies, with the announced goal to tide people over as they make the transition to other jobs and lives.
But how many of the nation's five million welfare families will be able to make the transition to private jobs?
It is a major priority for organized labor, which argues that notice would help employees make the adjustment to new jobs.
Rather than protest, unions are more likely to help laid-off members make the transition to other jobs.
All Council members accepted that environment policy can make an important contribution to jobs and growth.
Companies have made decisive cuts to temporary jobs and there is a fear that the jobs which have been lost will not be replaced.
Yes' to a cohesion policy with sufficient financing to make a decisive contribution to development, to new jobs and to innovation.