The young woman's back was pressed against the trunk of a tree as the young man leaned into her.
One man leaned toward a guard's ear, pointed at Valentine, and spoke.
The man leaned against the wheel housing, then suddenly looked down at Gilbenstock in a way that was almost friendly.
At the science console an unfamiliar man leaned over the instruments.
Overhead, a man leaned through a bright square of window.
Back in the limo the man leaned through the partition.
Here and there a man leaned from the saddle trying to empty a stomach already emptied earlier.
Minute crawled after minute as the two men leaned against the drill with all their might.
Green eyes, more canny than they'd appeared for months, regarded her as the old man leaned on his implement.
Bolan watched curiously as the man leaned into the closet to hang the suit.