He was one of the many men, referred to in my stories, that the gunfighters left alone, if they were smart.
The need did not arise because the man referred to would be here himself before long.
Inside the matrix, however, is a man, referred to as "the One," who has the power to break the bond and change everything.
Then a third man, referred to as Gusto in the report, came out of the restaurant and tried to intervene.
However, the prison is ruled by an avid, presumptuous and simply evil man, referred to as the "Director".
Gavin lost no time in finding the man referred to as Old Joe.
In this case, "little green men" referred to camouflaged Japanese soldiers.
Now men referred to the shelter spend a week or so drying out, then are interviewed for admission to the treatment program.
For hundreds of years people said it was possible to read an inscription, and learned men referred to it.
If enough personnel are available, a given watchstation may benefit from a fourth man referred to as the midnight cowboy.