With all his bluff, hearty, manly qualities, he combined the delicacy and thoughtfulness of a woman.
The only way she could be seen as a good ruler was for her to be described with manly qualities.
For, I thought, how would this end, how could this end, when so soon and so surely all his manly qualities were touched by the fatal blight that ruined everything it rested on!
He had marked literary taste, was fond of music, a lover of nature and of art, was possessed of fine feeling, and many engaging manly qualities.
Had his Youth been passed in the world, He would have shown himself possessed of many brilliant and manly qualities.
Those manly qualities had never perhaps received a higher tribute than this feeble acclamation.
Later, Kirk tries his best to instill Charlie with some manly qualities, and attempts to teach the young man how to fight.
She is described from the outset as having "des qualités d'homme" ("certain manly qualities"), with similar descriptions elsewhere.
Boys of the Sky, the Other Sky, and the Static Interference lineages are traditionally given the names of stones or desirable manly qualities such as courage, patience, and grace.
Antonym: akatāne - Act like a man, have manly qualities; be a tomboy.