Contributing to the growth were a seemingly inexhaustible supply of natural resources, the increased use of mass-production methods, the development of large corporations, and an ever-expanding national market.
Mr. Robbins manages the Nehemiah Plan, which used church financing, city subsidies and mass-production methods to produce 1,000 low-cost single-family town houses in Brooklyn.
After the end of World War I, the mass-production methods used for war time affected the iron industry as well.
Or if you want to be less personal and more social, think of computers as the cure for the monotony of primitive mass-production methods.
This dodge, while not as bad as some other crimes, reveals mental laziness-excepting, of course, when it is an element in mass-production methods of operation.
Rather than adopting mass-production methods to expand, the company has chosen to produce a greater variety of pies, with an emphasis on seasonality.
The cutting-edge technology was kept secret so competitors would not learn of this mass-production method.
What had happened to New York City showed what mass-production methods could do.
Under the new management, the idea was to get into the production of leather for the shoe trade with modern machinery and mass-production methods.
The problem is an old one: Ford faced it in the 1920s when it shipped its mass-production methods across to old-fashioned, craft-based Europe.