As a physician and man of science, he subscribed to the materialist philosophy then current.
The latter came to Petrashevsky's house and used his personal library, which contained banned books on materialist philosophy, utopian socialism, and history of revolutionary movements.
For we must remember that the materialist philosophy (whether true or not) is certainly much more limiting than any religion.
However, at least during the classical period, materialist philosophies, more similar to modern science, such as Epicureanism, were still relatively common also.
It depicts D'Alembert ill in bed, conducting a debate on materialist philosophy in his sleep.
He also indicated a desire to come to terms with Socialism, Communism and other materialist philosophies.
They also embraced science, materialist philosophy and doctrines of (socialist) progress.
According to Oktar, Freemasonry is "the main architect of the world system based on materialist philosophy, but which keeps that true identity concealed."
He opposed 18th-century materialist philosophy from an irrationalist position.
For Bediuzzaman considered the true enemies in this age of science, reason, and civilization to be materialism and atheism, and their source, materialist philosophy.