When it comes to wine, Toad Hall not only thumbs its nose at France but at everywhere else, too, offering a meager, innocuous selection.
The store is lined with empty shelves, some stuffed animals and a meager selection of flowers and houseplants.
At least one could have cold cereals and a meager selection of fruits.
Given the meager selection and sad quality of jarred fare available, it is no wonder.
The maps look like bad color photocopies - low resolution, not zoomable - and the meager selection of place names is not linked to text.
Right now, that includes a fairly meager selection of mainstream media selections - and, yes, you sometimes have to watch it through a subpar Internet connection.
Inside the tiny store, an old man slept in a beat-up brown vinyl recliner, surrounded by a meager selection of clothes no hipster would touch.
But looking at her meager selection, she knew that was impossible.
On December 21, 1844, they opened their store with a very meager selection of butter, sugar, flour, oatmeal and a few candles.
Someone at the counter was making a purchase The display racks had a meager selection, but I spotted several old-fashioneds.