Waitresses in peasant tops bring karjalanpiirakka (rice-filled savoury pastry) starters before moving on to meaty fare such as elk, bear stew or the Forest Foreman's Plate, which is served in a skillet with much flourish.
There is also meatier fare like rack of lamb and filet of beef with béarnaise sauce.
Typical meaty Friulian fare fills the brief menu, popular with students and those on a student budget.
Sorry to be so critical, but this seems like thin content in contrast to Ars' usual meaty fare.
And if you can't stand going so long without seeing an actual movie, the museum understands: Choose between the 1940 serial "Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe" playing at the ultra-cheesified Tut's Fever Movie Palace, or some meatier independent or documentary fare.
This provided meatier fare - a 550 foot grade III, aptly named Drive Because You Have To.
A bitter green salad is a perfect foil to the rich, meaty fare.
No matter what the terminology, several features make these dishes ideal for the holiday season, not least being the natural appeal of such hearty, meaty fare in cold weather.
Traditional meaty Dutch fare is the forte: try the pekelvlees (something close to corned beef), or make it a halfom, if you're keen on that being mixed with liver.
The cellar restaurant, Crama Sibiului Vechi, serves hearty - and meaty - regional fare.