Thirty-five state affiliates and one national office support the work of member colleges.
Together, the group's member colleges employ more than 30,000 staff and the total enrolment is around 250,000 students.
Weekly Programmes is the only its kind of project which undertakes organizing small social activities in every member college.
The program provides financial support for those in high need at one of the member colleges in exchange for service.
(Another plan, called the Independent 529, allows you to pay for member private colleges and universities around the country.)
He also set up a government affairs unit as a lobby for the fund's member colleges and universities.
By then, all the fund's member colleges had interracial faculties.
Each member college or university has an affiliated high school that competes in the Juniors division.
By 1972 the scheme had 160 member colleges and 56000 applicants.
The list of member colleges may be viewed here .