Up to now I've avoided mentioning our day-to-day domestic life, for much the same reason that ex-prisoners are reluctant to talk about their time inside.
I never mentioned his earlier life, but then one day, he said to me: 'Herb, you never asked me about the past.
'My mother never mentioned her life here, except to say that I had no grandparents.'
That would ruin her plan for escape, not to mention her life.
No one who mentioned the Lord Paramount's long life seemed to have any idea how long it actually was.
"You're going to have to, Cardif, or the days of your power are numbered, not to mention your life!"
But Don wondered what kind of carelessness would be allowed to imperil this unique, secret mission, not to mention his life.
A 1960's rock star, now well beyond the once-arrogant age barrier of 30, discovers that the music business, not to mention his life, is corrupt.
And if he on a rare occasion did an interview, he seldom mentioned his private life.
Still, barely a review goes by that doesn't mention his former life as a secret agent.