The Amezcuas' arrest, he said, "should significantly disrupt the established methamphetamine trade which is carried out by organized crime leaders in Mexico."
Diversification now also includes both legitimate US-registered enterprises and the usurpation of many regional markets of the illicit methamphetamine trade.
The methamphetamine trade has thrived in Audubon County for a number of reasons.
The gang moved into the methamphetamine trade in the late 1980s and expanded into the Fishtown and Port Richmond neighborhoods.
A recent report by the Drug Enforcement Administration concluded that the growth of the methamphetamine trade was "having a devastating impact on many communities across the nation."
He is known for ending the peaceful Bruno regime by ordering his murder over a dispute concerning the methamphetamine trade.
We will become the Microsoft of the methamphetamine trade.
He had been murdered for horning in on the methamphetamine trade.
The cartel was able to pact with the previous motorcycle gangs and independent traffickers who once dominated the methamphetamine trade in U.S.A.
As of 2011 the main drug dealing activity is the methamphetamine trade.