Lee Scoresby knew he'd see nothing from the sky, so he had to content himself with checking his equipment, though it was all in meticulous order.
There was an orderly garden, the plantings and pebbled walkway in meticulous order.
But now Bond was shown into a light, clean, pleasantly furnished room with attractive prints on the walls and meticulous order among its books.
A similar ethos, they say, is at work in Ms. Stewart's advice, which holds out the promise of security through grace, beauty and meticulous order.
She also keeps her room in meticulous order.
Few rock bands construct their sound with such meticulous order, or with such scrupulous sensitivity to what each member is playing.
Langner was arranging his books on a shelf in meticulous order, and Pirx got his first real insight into the man.
Garibaldi couldn't help but watch the telepath arrange these materials in meticulous order.
The club's books were kept in meticulous order.
Spock was impressed with the meticulous order of the supplies and computer logs.