The sun was altogether lower in the sky now, and its midsummer heat had gone.
In the muggy midsummer heat, Jaxom often found it refreshing, but now, with winter barely past?
He seemed barely winded, a tireless machine that even the intense midsummer heat could not affect.
Over the next two hours, Zara removed what she could to reach some comfort for herself in what became midsummer tropical heat.
The Powell team jokes about Eden in the midsummer heat of hell.
Except for perspiration on her face from the midsummer heat, she appeared normal and healthy.
The discoveries were surprising because so many people were left with such little protection from the midsummer heat.
They rode slowly, resting their horses often in the midsummer heat, working their way steadily north.
The pollen count was high, the midsummer heat close about her temples.
Thousands of people have been lining up for hours here in the midsummer heat to see some old books and papers.