An explosion resulted, killing five and seriously burning the sixth mine official.
It was often used by mine officials to commute to Silverton.
A feature of their programme was a mining news bulletin, transmitted at 5.34am, 6.15pm and 9.00pm, relying on information from mine officials and managements.
A rise in ocean freight costs has also benefited the North Fork coal, mine officials said.
The Royal Humane Society awarded their silver medal to six mine officials.
Under the accord hammered out with mine officials, the Government will pay $133 million in back wages.
One mine official questioned why Russell would want to look for a job, since he already had one.
The mine officials left abruptly, witnesses said.
They were gathered in the home of one of the mine officials of the Crown Deep gold mines.
Soon after the disaster, mine officials offered large sums of money to relatives of lost miners to keep quiet.