The commitment comes as ministers convene in Senegal for talks organized by the United Nations.
The Palestinian prime minister, Mahmoud Abbas, convened his cabinet in Gaza City today to discuss how to proceed with the Middle East peace plan.
On the evening before, on Saturday, 8 (21) January, the ministers convened to consider the situation.
The soaring cost of energy bills has become a major political issue, with the prime minister, David Cameron, recently convening a meeting of industry energy leaders.
The Palestinian prime minister, Ahmed Qurei, convened the National Security Council, a body that Mr. Arafat leads.
When clergymen and lay ministers convened this week for a conference on elder care, the monks unveiled a wing for older monks to rival any nursing home.
In July 2004, the ministers of Foreign Affairs from the two countries convened in order to "share the work of a memory piece " about the genocide.
The group focused on refining language in the proposed treaty before foreign ministers convene in November in The Hague to negotiate final points.
Israel's prime minister, Ehud Barak, who has pledged to withdraw troops by July, convened a meeting of his security cabinet Thursday night to consider further action.
The ministers convened their emergency meeting here to discuss the hostage crisis and the future of the United Nations mission in Bosnia.