As the Assistant Minister Sang soon implemented several more measures to refill the national coffers.
The electronics industry will have received a total of 5.7 billion ecus from Brussels between 1990 and 1994, with additional money from national coffers.
Restoration works were financed directly from the national coffers (art.
Restoration works were financed directly from the national coffers (article 3).
Far from delivering priority goods and services efficiently, most have been shambling giants draining funds out of national coffers.
But it is not the same attitude towards London when MPs steal from the national coffers.
In addition, recent sluggishness in the global economy has depleted national coffers, leaving less room for governments to bolster military budgets.
As a particular exercise they examined the year 1990/91 when BBC Scotland's viewers and listeners contributed over £110 millions to the national coffers.
It will often be the result of efforts not to spend and is money that will revert to national coffers or to taxpayers.
In Norway, land fell out of cultivation, towns were ruined, trading activities faltered and the national coffers decreased by 65%.