In its native southern haunts, this shrub is often called Texas sage.
The great Titan walks silent, by the banks of the murmuring Aube, in young native haunts that knew him when a boy; wonders what the end of these things may be.
"It was pretty good fun; and it gave me an opportunity of studying the aristocracy in its native haunts, which has made me the Gossip's established authority on dukes and earls."
Turning the beast's head again toward Pal-ul-don the three dismounted and a sharp blow upon the thick hide sent the creature lumbering majestically back in the direction of its native haunts.
Peter told her he was leaving in a week's time for South Africa, where he meant to spend four years photographing lions in their native haunts.
With limited prospects of pursuing a military career, he spent eight years in his native haunts, teaching history and geography, first in Bobrov, and then in Voronezh.
"But we die if we go too far from our native haunts."
Thus does the baneful contact with our effeminate civilization dilute the picturesque pomp which is so natural to the Indian when far removed from us in his native haunts.
In his native haunts, the practical-minded Durand would investigate painting sites with an eye to how good the fishing might be.
But suppose you are a zoologist and want to take photos of wild animals in their native haunts.