For all his reliance on information, Neilson has a nether side to him.
Don't tell me: it's on the nether side of my back teeth.
However, the opposition forces were still not able to re-establish the blockade of the military bases and nether side had full control of the highway.
The cover should have a cross engraved on the upper and nether sides.
No one had tried to reach its nether side.
Surmounting this head were four slender grey stalks bearing flower-like appendages, whilst from its nether side dangled eight greenish antennae or tentacles.
There is no evidence of some totally nether side to Zizou's personality.
But they did no harm, because his nether side was aiming at the sky.
She rides up a mountainous wave and plunges down its nether side.
For now, nether side seems to be willing to back off.