The increasingly unavoidable truth is that the growth targets are not going to be met without radical new intervention.
Even many Western defense planners believed a new Soviet military intervention was in the works.
When resistance does make its appearance, new interventions, in addition to pressure, are called for.
We should read it and use it before starting any new interventions.
It was part of Robinson's professional code that he always volunteered to risk being the first to teach any proposed new intervention.
How can the study of biological processes help design new interventions for children with severe antisocial behavior?
He went on to study the side effects of other new interventions and medications, which in the 1950's were being introduced at an extraordinary rate.
There is always the possibility of a new Soviet armed intervention.
Two seconds, however, were sufficient to bring new intervention.
It is generally designed to assess the effectiveness of the new intervention and thereby, its value in clinical practice.