There were two guards outside the study door, the no-nonsense kind that look able to cut you apart and not raise a sweat.
Maybe it was the truck that did it; it was such a no-nonsense kind of vehicle.
Kerwin was big and dark and practical; a no-nonsense kind of man.
Ford liked him immediately-a no-nonsense kind of guy.
He was a stocky man with a no-nonsense kind of face.
"He's an honest, straightforward, no-nonsense kind of individual," Milbury said.
A former military police officer, she is no-nonsense and extremely kind.
He looks like a no-nonsense kind of guy, which is fine with me.
Hilda didn't know the interrogator, who was female, young, good-looking in a severely no-nonsense kind of way-probably new to the Bureau headquarters.
We can't accept sloppy or no-nonsense kind of errors.