The three other candidates were nominally running as independents, although two were affiliated with the Country Party.
In the case of the Tea Party, it ousted incumbents endorsed by the RNC, even as their candidate ran as Republican nominally.
Herbert and Bunker nominally ran Hunt Oil, but they increasingly concentrated on their own ventures.
He estimated that half of all large ranches in this part of the state are recreation properties, which may only nominally run a small cow operation.
Nominally running the show is GASI, the Galactic Animal Space Institute.
The McGill Daily is nominally run in a non-hierarchical manner.
It nominally runs three times daily; however, the schedule is considered flexible.
PDH allows transmission of data streams that are nominally running at the same rate, but allowing some variation on the speed around a nominal rate.
By analogy, any two watches are nominally running at the same rate, clocking up 60 seconds every minute.
The committees are nominally run by adults, but in practice it is the swaggering teen-agers who hold the balance of power.