Using the trade route, the two non-playoff teams used the draft in specific, immediate and enviable ways.
In this system, each non-playoff team had an equal chance to obtain the first pick.
After the three envelopes were drawn, the remaining non-playoff teams would select in reverse order of their win-loss record.
Players could pick from any of the NBA teams for the first time, including non-playoff teams.
They also suggested that non-playoff teams could be given first crack at signing them.
They nonetheless finished with a 90-72 record, the season's best record by a non-playoff team.
The draft order of the first 14 picks was determined by a lottery involving the non-playoff teams on April 10.
A player who is dropped from the protected list cannot be claimed until the expansion and non-playoff teams have had a chance to claim him.
In the current rules, 14 non-playoff teams participate in the Draft Lottery.
I think he was liberated by the fact that he played mostly non-playoff teams.